Present Address“Almi Anchal”, 181/1 Dobhalwala, Dehradun 248001 Uttranchal, India
Phone: 91 9412058572
1. Under graduate Graduate: Place, Date, Degree
Govt. College, Nainital, U.P., India, 1955-61, B.Sc., M.Sc. Special Professional -Specialization in Plant Pathology in M.Sc.
2. Post Graduate: Place, Date, Degree
Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, 1963-68, Ph.D. Special Professional – Specialization in Tree Physiology
Academic and Professional Recognitions
- J.J. Chinoy Gold Medal for the best piece of research work published in Indian Journal of Plant Physiology, 1969.
- Elected Member of Institute of Biology, London, 1975.
- Fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India, 1989.
- Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, India, 1992.
- SICO- Sponsored Award for Environmental Sciences by National Academy of Sciences, 1992 for outstanding work on Mountain Environment.
- Seth Memorial Award – 1992 for contribution in Tree Ecophysiology, by Indian Society of Tree Scientists.
- Fellow of Indian National Science Academy, 1994.
- Vir Keshri Environment – Conservation Award – 1996, by Citizens Council, Dehra Dun, U.P.
- Om Prakash Bhashin Foundation Award in Agriculture for the Advancement in Science & Technology, 1996.
- Padma Shri Award by President of India for outstanding contribution in Plant Sciences, 1997.
- Birbal Sahni Birth Centenary Award for the year 2002-2003 by The Indian Science Congress Association for the outstanding contribution to the advancement of science in India.
Areas of Special Interest in Research
- Environmental Physiology of Mountain Plants (Seed Physiology, Photosynthesis, Reproduction).
- Mountain Environment and Development Planning.
- Physiology and cultivation of medicinal plants.
Employment Record
1. “ Sri M.L. Bhartia Chair for Conservation, Development and Promotion of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in Uttaranchal” Government of Uttaranchal since March 2003.
- Vice- Chancellor, H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal from December 2001 to May, 2002.
- Director, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, (Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Env. & Forests, Govt. of India) Almora, U.P., from August 1990 to August 1995.
Duties : Administration & Management of the Institute, Collaboration with the Central, state Governments, the International Donors and NGOs, Policy recommendations and formulations at the National level for the Himalayan region.
- Professor and Director, High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Centre, Garhwal University, Srinagar, U.P., India, March, 1985 to August 1990 and from September 1995 till June,2002.
Duties : Teaching, Research and Administration; As Dean of the Faculty from 1987 to 1990, coordinated the work of all departments of the Science faculty of the University
- Reader, Department of Botany and Director, High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Centre, Garhwal University, Srinagar, U.P. India, July 1979 – March, 1985.
Duties : Teaching, Research and Administration
- Reader and Head, Department of Botany, Garhwal University, Srinagar, U.P.,India, 1976-78 and Reader, October 1978 – July 1979.
Duties : Teaching, Research and Administration
- Reader in Plant Physiology, Department of Botany, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, India, 1975-76.
- Research Associate, Department of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,Canada, Jan. 1973-75.
- Plant Physiologist, Sr. Class I, Central Potato Research Institute,ICAR, Simla, India, 1969-72.
- Lecturer, Department of Botany, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India,1966-69.
- Research Officer, Department of Botany, Punjab University, Chandigarh, India, 1965-66.
- Research Assistant, Plant Physiology, Forest Research Institute,Dehradun, India, 1961-63.
Professional Activities
Membership of the Societies
Life Member – Indian Society for Plant Physiology.
Life Member – Plant Biochemical Society.
Professional Services ( NATIONAL )
- Member – ICAR Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Panel, 1976-79.
- Convener – Task Force Committee for High Altitude Plant Conservation, ICAR Sub-Committee for North-Western Humid Himalaya, 1977-78.
- Member- Expert Committee of DST, Govt. of India for Science and Technology for SC & ST, 1981-84.
- Member – Gandhi Peace Foundation Environmental Committee, 1980-83.
- Member- Expert Group on Biomass, Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, Govt. of India, 1982-1989.
- Member- ICAR Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Panel, for three years, March, 1982-1985.
- Member- Task Force for 7th Plan, U.P. Hills, Govt. of U.P. Lucknow, 1985.
- Member- Expert Group on Eco-development, Department of Environment, Govt. of India, since 1984.
- Chairman- Working Group on “Science & Technology based programmes for environmental sound development of special areas for 8th Plan, Planning Commission, 1988.
- Member of Science Advisory Committee for G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development 1989-1990.
- Member, Project Assessment Committee ( Plant Sciences Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, 1991-1994
- Member, Expert Group to formulate the National Policy for Development of Hiamalayan region, Planning Commission, Govt. of India, 1992
- Chairman, Apex Committee on Technology Vision 2020 (Agriculture),TIFAC, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, 2002.
Professional Services (INTERNATIONAL)
- Member Editorial Board , Journal of Sustainable Forestry, The Haworth Press, Inc, USA.
- Member Board of Governors, International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nepal, 1991-1997.
- Member, Initial Organizing Committee for International Mountain Forum established during NGO Consultation Meeting held in Lima, Peru,1995.
- Consultant for Winrock International(Short-term) , on Forestry Research & Education Project, ICFRE, India,1997
Number of Students Guided or being Guided for Ph.D.
Ph.D. awarded – 18
Being guided – 2
Books Edited
1.Views on Physiology of Flowering, 1978
( with R. Gurumurti )
2.Conservation and Management of Biological Resources in Himalaya, 1996
( with P.S. Ramakrishnan, K.G. Saxena, K.S. Rao and R.K. Maikhuri ).
3.Harvesting the Herbs -2000, 1997
( with A.R. Nautiyal and M.C. Nautiyal ).
Popular Publications
1.Blossoming Garhwal Himalaya, 1985
2.Murmuring Man: Man in search of environmentally sound development, 1995 (pdf 2020, (The Changing World (A Metaphysical Perception))
Research Papers- 175
Prof. A.N Purohit has mainly worked on ecophysiology of tree species and physiology of high altitude medicinal plants.
Prof. Purohit demonstrated for the first time that the indeterminate species can be made determinate. Based on this observation, he proposed that it is the channelization of food factors and the reproductive hormones, which controls the indeterminate or determinate nature of the plants. Prof. Purohit has shown a close relationship between photosystem I and onset of generative phase, which he has explained in terms of the energy requirement as a prelude to generative phase. He has proposed that evocation in leaves leading to the onset of floral induction starts with biophysical process(es) relating to the excitation of molecules in response to light and oxidation- reduction state of reaction centre pigments.
Prof. Purohit worked out the dynamics of shoot elongation and expansion showing recurrent growth pattern and reported appreciable histological changes in the shoot apex during longest period of dormancy and onset of reproductive phase, which was the first report of such developmental process in trees. This he further confirmed by a simple experiment in which he grew dogalus fir seedlings in high concentration of CO2 which induced bud dormancy leading to differentiation of cone like structure in one year old seedlings of this plant.
He studied the effect of CO2 enrichment and reported that high concentration of CO2 inhibits flowering in classical short day plants and induces flowering in long day plants and even the phytocrome mediated responses in flowering are associated with the presence of CO2 during red light interruption. He also reported for the first time that CO2 enrichment also affects viral multiplication.
Prof. Purohit and his associates have added valuable information to the scientific field with respect to the applied value of variations in leaf temperatures in plants. They have identified two groups of tree species; namely “under” and “over temperature” tree species. According to their findings “under temperature” species have higher survival potential on highly exposed subtropical mountain slopes with high temperature and irradiance. Based on physiological parameters, he worked out the superiority index for selection of tree species for plantation in mountains and their fuel wood value index.
Prof. Purohit’s study on large cardamum and mandarin based agroforestry systems in Sikkim revealed: (1) acceleration of nutrient cycling under the influence of N2 – fixing trees, (2) greater release of nutrients from non-N2-fixer letter and (3) solubilization of secondarily fixed phosphorus by Alnus and Albizia. These findings have great significance in agroforestry model development.
After joining Garhwal University, Prof. Purohit initiated work on the physiology of high altitude plants. He established a High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Centre with its alpine field station at 13000-ft elevation at Tungnath. The work conducted at this Centre has reveals that high altitude species are less sensitive than the low altitude species to the environmental stresses. He has reported “Pseudomonocotyle” and regulatory role of Cotyledons in the growth of epicotyle in some of the alpine dicot species. The germination studies of alpine plants made by Prof. Purohit and his associates have helped in germinating many endangered species and establishing them in nature in the alpine field station at Tungnath. He and his associates have come up with the cultivation technology for Aconites, alpine and sub-alpine plants of very high medicinal value, where yield is increased 10 to 12 fold.
Prof. Purohit, as Director, also helped Govt. of India in establishing G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development. The Institute has its units all over Indian Himalaya. With the assistance of all the staff members of the Institute, Prof. Purohit prepared a based document entitled “Action Plan for Himalaya” which forms the base document for the sustainable development of the Himalayan region. During his tenure, he initiated number of programmes in Himalayan region. “Badrivan Restoration” with the help of pilgrims was one of the unique programme which has been cited internationally as a model for restoration of religious places all over the World.
1. K.K. Nanda and A.N. Purohit (1964) Effect of gibberellin on Forest Plants. I. Rate of extension growth in seedlings of Salmalia malabarica Schoot. & Endl. Indian J. Plant Physiol.7: 35-47.
2. K.K. Nanda and A.N. Purohit (1964) Effect of gibberellin on Forest Plants. II. Internodal growth in seedlings of Salmalia malabarica. Scott. & Endl. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 7: 57-70.
3. K.K. Nanda and A.N. Purohit (1965) Effect of gibberellin on mobilisation of reserve food and its correlation with extension growth. Planta 68: 121-125.
4. K.K. Nanda and A.N. Purohit (1966) Studies on growth and development of Forest Plants II. Effect of time of sowing and light on annual growth cycle of seedlings of Dalbergia sissoo Rox. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 9: 42-51.
5. K.K. Nanda, A.N. Purohit and A. Bala (1967) Effect of Photoperiod, auxin and gibberellin on rooting of cutting of Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harv. Physiol. Plant. 20: 1096-1102.
6. K.K. Nanda, A.N. Purohit, A. Bala and V.K. Anand (1968) Seasonal rooting response of stem cutting of some forest tree species to auxin. Indian For. 94: 147-154.
7. K.K. Nanda, A.N. Purohit and A. Prabha (1968) Mode of action of morphectin in epiphyllous buds of Bryophyllum tabiflorum.Indian J. Plant Physiol. 11: 20-26.
8. K.K. Nanda, A.N. Purohit and K. Mehrotra (1968) Effect of sucrose, auxins and gibberellic acid on rooting of stem segments of Populus nigra under varying light conditions. Plant and Cell Physiol. 9: 735-744.
9. A.N. Purohit and K.K. Nanda (1969) Morpho-physiological studies of the shoot apex. I. Recurrent growth flushes and their relationship with structural changes in the growing apex of Callistemon viminalis. Can. J. Bot. 46: 1287-1295.
10. K.K. Nanda, A.N. Purohit and V.K. Kochhar (1969) Effect of auxin and light on rooting of stem cuttings of Populus nigra, Salix tetrasperma, Ipomoca fistulosa and Hibiscus notodus in relation to polarity. Physiol. Plant. 22: 1113-1130.
11. A.N. Purohit and K.K. Nanda (1969) Structural changes in the shoot apex of Callistemon viminalis and their relationship with initiation and development of leaves and floral buds. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 12: 107-125.
12. A.N. Purohit, K.K. Nanda and A. Prabha (1969) Effect of some growth substances and antimetabolites on elongation of the first internode in epiphyllous buds of Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harv. Bot. Gaz. 130: 102-106.
13. K.K. Nanda, A.N. Purohit and N. Kaura (1970) Effect of morphactin, GA3, and auxin on growth and development of Bryophyllum tubiflorum Harv. Physiol. Plant 23: 591-598.
14. A.N. Purohit (1970) The qualitative and quantitative photoperiodic response of Indian Potato varieties. New Phytol. 69: 521-527.
15. A.N. Purohit (1970) Effect of different gibberellins on tuber dormancy and sprout growth of potato under continuous light and darkness. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 13: 185-193.
16. A.N. Purohit, Mukhtar Singh, V.N. Bannerjee, R.S. Raghow, Kashetrapal and A.K. Singh (1970) Physiological studies on Indian Potato varieties. I. Regional and Seasonal adaptability – haulm growth, tuber initiation, and number. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 13: 242-250.
17. A.N. Purohit and K.K. Nanda (1971) Interaction of gibberellic acid and photoperiod in the development of epiphyllous buds in Bryophyllum tubiflorum. Biol. Plant. 13: 356-360.
18. A.N. Purohit and M.D. Upadhyaya (1971) Photoperiodic control pof tuber differentiation and photorespiration in some Indian cultivars of Solanum tuberosum L. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 14: 130-136.
19. A.N. Purohit, V.N. Banerjee and A.K.Singh (1972) Physiological studies on Indian potato varities. II . Regional and seasonal adaptability – fresh and dry weight distribution in different plant parts. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 15 : 110 – 119.
20. A.N. Purohit and V.P. Malhotra (1973) Relative growth rate of tuber and leaves of Potato varieties under two agro-climatic conditions. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 16: 89-99.
21. A.N. Purohit (1973) Chlorflurenol – Its effect on Photo- morphogenesis in Potato sprout growth. Biol. Plant. 15: 116- 118.
22. A.N. Purohit and E.B. Tregunna (1974) Carbon dioxide compensation and its association with the photoperiodic response of plants. Can. J. Bot. 52: 1146-1148.
23. S.N. Saha, G.S.R. Murti, V.N. Banergee, A.N. Purohit and Mukhtar Singh (1974) Effect of night temperatures on growth and development of Indian potato varieties under short day condition. Indian J. Agric. Sci. 44: 376-382.
24. A.N. Purohit and E.B. Tregunna (1974) Effect of carbon dioxide on Pharbitis, Xanthium and Silene in short days. Can. J. Bot. 52: 1283-1291.
25. A.N. Purohit, E.B. Tregunna and H.W.J. Ragetli (1975) CO2 effect on local lesion production by Tobacco mosaic virus and turnip mosaic virus. Virology 65: 559-564.
26. A.N. Purohit and E.B. Tregunna (1975) Inhibition of Tobacco mosaic virus multiplication by glycidate and its reversal by glycine and serine. Plant Sci. Letters 5: 177-182.
27. A.N. Purohit and E.B. Tregunna (1976) Effect of DNP on Tobacco mosaic virus lesion development in Nicotiana glutinosa . Indian J. Plant Physiol. 19: 66-70.
28. A.N. Purohit and E.B. Tregunna (1976) Effect of carbon dioxide on growth of douglas fir seedlings. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 19: 165-170.
29. A.N. Purohit, H.W.J. Regelti and E.B. Tregunna (1977) Effect of kinetin on cellular ultrastructure in Nicotiana glutinosa leaf discs during senecsence. Indian J. Pl. Physiol. 20: 105-114.
30. A.N. Purohit and E.B. Tregunna (1977) Variations in the rate of photosynthesis and respiration with photoperiodic induction in Pharbitis nil . Indian J. Expl. Biol. 15: 79-81.
31. A.N. Purohit (1977) Exploratory survey of florestic pattern in Garhwal Himalaya and a possible adaptability mechanism. The Himalaya 1: 14-20.
32. O.P. Pandey and A.N. Purohit (1979) Seed proteins and hydrolytic enzymes in different species and morphological variants of Amaranthus . Pl. Biochem. J. 6: 107-133.
33. H.O. Agrawal, A.N. Purohit and M.D. Upadhyaya (1979) Effect of time of inoculation and light conditions on the susceptibility of Capsicum pendulum to potato virus. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. pp. 88(D) (2): 75-79.
34. N.P. Todaria and A.N. Purohit (1979) Functional dynamics of plants at different altitudes. I. Growth pattern of Artemisia vulgaris . Indian J. Pl. Physiol. 22: 230-240.
35. J.K. Semwal and A.N. Purohit (1980) Germination of Himalayan Alpine and temperate Potentilla . Pro. Indian Acad. Sci. 89: 61-65.
36. N.P. Todaria, A.N. Thapliyal and A.N. Purohit (1980) Altitudinal effect on chlorophyll and carotenoid contents in plants. Photosynthetica 14: 236-238.
37. O.P. Pandey and A.N. Purohit (1980) Activity of PEP-carboxylase and two glycolate pathway enzymes in C3 and C4 plants grown at two altitudes. Curr. Sci. 49: 263-265.
38. S. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1980) High altitude acclimatization in plants. Stomatal frequency and anatomical changes in leaves of Artemisia species. Biol. Plant. 22: 282-286.
39. O.P. Pandey, P.K. Saxena, N.P. Todaria and A.N. Purohit (1980) Activity of PEP-carboxylase and some photorespiratory enzymes in C3 and C4 Plants grown at two temperatures. Plant Sci. Letters 19: 121-127.
40. B.P. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1980) Morpho-physiology of C3, C4 and CAM species at different altitudes. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 23: 220-230.
41. P. Chandra, and A.N. Purohit (1980) Berberine contents and alkaloid profile of Berberis species from different altitudes. Biochem. Syst. and Ecol. 8: 379-380.
42. M.M. Sharma and A.N. Purohit (1980) Seedling survival and seed germination under natural and laboratory conditions in Shorea robusta Gaertn. Seed Sci. Tech. 8: 283-287.
43. A.G. Chetverikov, V.Z. Podolny and A.N. Purohit (1980) Inhibitory effect of gibberellic acid and 6-benzyl amino purine on development of photosynthetic apparatus. Indian J. Biochem. Biophys. 17: 324-326.
44. S.K. Bhadula, A.P. Thapliyal and A.N. Purohit (1981) Seed proteins, esterases and acid phosphatases in Rhododendron species from different altitudes of Garhwal Himalaya. Indian J. Expl. Biol. 19: 199-200.
45. R.M. Bhatt, A.N. Purohit and G.C. Joshi (1981) Reflection of visible radiation from leaves of different species of Anaphalis grown at two altitudes. Indian J. Expl. Biol. 19: 481-483.
46. J.K. Semwal, R.D. Gaur and A.N. Purohit (1981) Florestic pattern of Tungnath – An alpine zone in Garhwal Himalaya. Acta Botanica Indica 9: 110-114.
47. S.K. Khanduri and A.N. Purohit (1981) Pattern of phenotics in Berberis species from different altitudes in Garhwal Himalaya. Plant Biochem. J., 8: 17-24.
48. V.Z.Podolny, A.N. Purohit, A.G. Chetverikov (1981) Relationship between generative development and the formation of photosynthetic apparatus in wheat seedlings. USSR Plant Physiol. 28: 547-554.
49. A.N. Purohit, M.M. Sharma and R.C. Thapliyal (1982) Effect of storage temperatures on viability of sal Shorea robusta and Shorea talura. Forest Sci. 28: 526-530.
50. S.K. Bhadula, S.K. Khanduri, O.P. Pandey and A.N. Purohit (1982) Some metabolic modifications in plant species when grown above timberline. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 9: 88-93.
51. S.K. Khanduri, P. Chandra and A.N. Purohit (1982) Allelopathic effects of Berberis fruit pulp leachate on germination of some crop plants. Proc. Indian natn. Sci., Acad. B48 (5): 694-698.
52. O.P. Pandey and A.N. Purohit (1983) changes in seed proteins and acid phosphatase activity during germination in different species and cultivars of Amaranthus . Indian J. Bot., 6: 79- 82.
53. P.P. Dhyani and A.N. Purohit (1983) Energy exchange in three broad leaf tree species. Indian J. Forestry. 6(4): 278-282.
54. J.K. Semwal, A.N. Purohit and R.D. Gaur (1983) Seed germination in some Himalayan alpine plants. Seed Research, 11(1): 42- 46.
55. A.N. Purohit, R.P. Raturi, A.P. Thapliyal and R.D. Gaur (1983) Pattern of seed proteins, esterases and acid phosphatases in some alpine and temperate Potentilla . Plant Physiol. Biochem. 10(1): 53-60.
56. A.N. Purohit, D.C.S. Negi, R.M. Bhatt, M.C. Sharma and P.P. Dhyani (1983) Diurnal changes in water vapour transfer resistance and energy balance in broad leaf tree species from varying altitudes. Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad. B 49: 667-674.
57. A.N. Purohit (1984) Physiological research inputs for seed and seedling bank of Himalayan
mountain tree species for social forestry. Himalayan Res & Dev. 2: 20-27.
58. R.M. Bhatt and A.N. Purohit (1984) Altitudinal effect on morpho- physiology of two Anaphalis species from contrasting environments. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 27: 130-137.
59. P.P. Dhyani and A.N. Purohit (1984) Diurnal variation in water vapour transfer and energy balance and their dependence on leaf age in Grewia opposltifolia . Indian J. Pl. Physiol. 27: 34-40.
60. A.R. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1985) Seed viability in sal. I. Physiological and biochemical changes from anthesis till seed development in Shorea robusta . Seed Sci. Technol. 13: 59-68.
61. A.R. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1985) Seed viability in sal. II. Physiological and biochemical changes in ageing seeds of Shorea robusta . Seed Sci. Technol., 13: 69-76.
62. A.R. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1985) Seed viability in sal III. The membrane disruption in ageing seeds of Shorea robusta . Seed Sci. Technol., 13: 77-82.
63. A.R. Nautiyal, A.P. Thapliyal and A.N. Purohit (1985) Seed viability in sal. IV. Changes in protein spectrum during loss of seed viability in Shorea robusta. Seed Sci. Technol., 13: 83-86.
64. R.M. Bhatt, S. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1985) Seed germination in some Himalayan alpine and temperate comperate composits. Seed Res. 13: 1-7.
65. S.K. Bhadula, O.P. Pandey and A.N. Purohit (1985) Thermostability and energy of activation of P-glycolate phosphatase and 3- PGA phosphatase in high altitude plants. Photosynthetica 19: 417-420.
66. S.K. Bhadula, O.P. Pandey and A.N. Purohit (1986) Thermostability of acid phosphatase in
Selinum vaginatum and Acer caesium Wall grown at low and high altitudes. Biol. Plant. 28: 465-469.
67. P.C. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1986) Effect of auxin on seasonal rooting response of stem
cuttings of Berberis species from different altitudes. Indian J. Plant Physiol. 29 : 286-290.
68. P.P. Dhyani, K.D. Purohit and A.N. Purohit (1986) Thermal conduction and energy budget in leaves of some mountain plant species along an altitudinal gradient. Proc. Indian Natn. Sci. Acad. B52 (5): 665-672.
69. A.N. Purohit and A.R. Nautiyal (1987) Fuelwood value index of Indian mountain tree species. Int. Tree Crops J. 4: 177-184.
70. A.N. Purohit, A.R. Nautiyal, P. Thapliyal and S.K. Bhadula (1987) Physiology of Ougeinia dalbergioides and its natural morphological variant. I. Germination, growth behaviour and carbon dioxide exchange rate. Int. Tree Crops J. 4 : 165-175.
71. A.N. Purohit and P.P. Dhyani (1987) CO2 exchange under varying light intensities in some under and over temperature sutropical tree species. Photosynthesis Res. 14(1) : 81-88.
72. P.P. Dhyani and A.N. Purohit (1987) Water vapour transfer conductance and energy exchange in alpine and subalpine herbaceous species grown at different altitudes. Plant Physiol. & Biochem. 14(1,2): 70-81.
73. A.N. Purohit and P.P. Dhyani (1987) CO2 exchange and transpiration in under-and-over-temperature species under varying light intensities at two altitudes. Proc. Indian natn. Sci. Acad. B53(5,6): 561-567.
74. P.P. Dhyani, A.N. Purohit and D.C.S. Negi (1988) Variations in energy budget and water vapour transfer processes in some broadleaf timberline tree species at different altitudes. Plant Physiol. & Biochem. 15(1): 64-74.
75. A.N. Purohit, A.R. Nautiyal, P. Thapliyal and V. Nautiyal (1988) Physiology of Ougeinia dalbergoides Benth and its natural morphological variant. II. Leaf morphology, Pigmentation and leaf optical properties. Int. Tree Crops Jour. 5(1,2): 77- 84.
76. P.P. Dhyani and A.N. Purohit (1988) Physiology of Ougeinia dalbergioides and its natural morphological variant. III. Water vapour transfer and energy exchange characteristics. Int. Tree Crops Jour. 5(1,2): 85-95.
77. A.N. Purohit and P.P. Dhyani (1988) Thermal gradients as control factors for leaf size variations at different altitudes in mountains. Acta Biotheoretica 37: 3-26.
78. A.N. Purohit, A.R. Nautiyal and P. Thapliyal (1988) Leaf optical properties of an alpine perennial herb Selinum vaginatum clarke grown at two altitudes. Biol. Plant. 30(5): 373-378.
79. P.C. Nautiyal and A.N. Purohit (1989) Distribution pattern and seed germination behaviour of Berberis species in Garhwal Himalaya. J. Indian. Bot. Soc. 68:181-183.
80. A.N. Purohit, P. Thapliyal and A.R. Nautiyal (1990) Light absorption and transmittance in leaves of deciduous and evergreen tree species. Proc. Indian. Nat. Sci. Acad. B56(5,6): 477-484.
81. A.S. Rawat and A.N. Purohit (1991) CO2 and water vapour exchange in four alpine herbs at two altitudes and under varying light and temperature conditions. Photosynthesis Research 28: 99-108.
82. R.Sharma, E. Sharma and A.N. Purohit (1994) Dry matter production and nutrient cycling in agroforestry systems of cardamom grown under Alnus and natural forest. Agroforestry Systems 27:293-306.
83. R.Sharma, E. Sharma and A.N.Purohit (1995) Dry matter production and nutrient cycling in agroforestry systems of mandarin grown in association with Albizia and mixed tree species. Agroforestry Systems 29(2):165-179.
84. S.K.Bhadula, S.C. Joshi and A.N. Purohit (1995) Seasonal variation in photosynthetic characteristics of some mountain tree species from Garhwal Himalaya. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants 1:151-160.
85. S.K. Bhadula, A.S. Rawat and A.N. Purohit (1996) Enhancement of photosynthetic rate in an alpine herb Megacarpaea polyandra by increased CO2 concentration. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants 2: 143-147.
86. V. Gairola and A.N. Purohit (1996) Physiology of Ougeinia dalbergoides Benth and its morphological variant IV . Some biochemical characteristics. Physiol. Mol. Biol. Plants 2: 183-188.
88. R. Sharma and A.N. Purohit (1996) Seedling growth and nitrogenase activity of Alnus and Albizia in Sikkim. J. Hill Res. 9(2) : 233 – 241.
89. S.K. Bhadula, A. Singh, H. Lata, C.P. Kuniyal and A.N. Purohit ( 1996) Genetic resources of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle, an endangered medicinal species from Garhwal Himalaya, India. Plant Gen. Res. Newsletter 106 : 26 – 29
90. S. Airi, R.S.Rawal, U. Dhar and A.N. Purohit (1997) Podophyllum hexandrum Royle – a dwindling, medicinal plant of the Himalaya. Plant Gen. Res. Newsletter 110 : 29 – 34
91. R. Sharma, E. Sharma and A.N. Purohit (1997) Cardamom, mandarin and nitrogen-fixing trees in agroforestry systems in India’s Himalayan region. I. Litterfall and decomposition. Agroforestry Systems 35: 239-253.
92. R. Sharma, E. Sharma and A.N. Purohit (1997) Cardamom, mandarin and nitrogen-fixing trees in agroforestry systems in India’s Himalayan region. II. Soil nutrient dynamics. Agroforestry Systems 35: 255-268.
93. M.C. Nautiyal, A.S. Rawat, A. Singh and A.N. Purohit ( 1997) Seed biology, multiplication and domestication of some alpine plant species.
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18. A. Singh, C.P. Kuniyal, A. Lata, C. Rajasekaran, P. Prasad, S.K. Bhadula and A.N. Purohit ( 1998) In vitro propagation of Aconitum atrox ( Bruhl) Muk., a threatened medicinal herb from Garhwal Himalaya. Physiol. And Mol. Biol. Of Plants, 4:171-174.
19. A.N. Purohit, H. Lata, S. Nautiyal and M.C. Purohit (1998) Some characteristics of four morphological variants of Podophyllum hexandrum Royle. Plant Gen. Resources Newsletter 114: 51-52.
20. M.C. Purohit, Raman Bahuguna, U.C. Maithani, A.N. Purohit and M.S.M Rawat (1999) Variation in podophylloresin and podophyllotoxin contents in different populations of Podophyllum hexandrum. Current Sci. 77(8): 1078-1080.
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22. A.N. Purohit (1998) Mountain Development – which type ? – desirable or sustainable. In : Himalayan Policy
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24. A.N. Purohit (1999) Environmental challenges and developmental requirements in mountains during 21st century. In: Environmental Management and Regional Development in the Himalaya. (eds. M.S.S. Rawat, K.Kumar and R.N. Singh), Surya International Public., New Delhi.
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